The best show by far at the HDIL Couture Fashion Week was Salman Khan's "Being Human" show. Last year, the actor asked all his male counterparts to walk the ramp and this year, he called upon his favorite leading ladies to do the honors. The fashion show was a dedication to the years in fashion that had gone. The likes of Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Sushmita Sen, Preity Zinta, Rani Mukherji and Bipasha Basu all did the catwalk in designerwear by a number of designers before they re-walked the ramp in Being Human wifebeaters (I want I want!) towards the end. Who was the showstopper? Try all of them! Now, some of the ladies have had some serious beef with each other in past, but claim that they have all put their issues aside and had a blast working the ramp together. True or not, we'll never know but they sure had us fooled when they walked hand-in-hand with one another and Salman at the end of the show. Check out the pictures from what was easily the mother of all shows at the 2010 HDIL Couture Week!
Salman Khan: Being Fearlessly Dabangg! |
Sushmita Sen: Owning the Ramp! |
Rani Mukherjee: B(l)ack Again? |
Priyanka Chopra: Not So Anjaani! |
Bipasha Basu: Bring it on! |
Kareena Kapoor: Are You Ready For This? |
Katrina Kaif: Lady in Red! |
Preity Zinta is B(l)ack in the 20's | |
Karisma Kapur: Sari or not, she stuns! |
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Being Human: The Ladies and the Ulimate Khan! |
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