Bebo is a Cool Maasi!

Kareena Kapoor adores her niece Samaira Kapur, daughter to Karisma and Sanjay Kapur. However, Karisma is a strict mom who doesn't allow her daughter to watch too many films; not hers or her sisters. But when Samaira saw the promos of Golmaal 3, she insisted on watching the film. And when mommy Karisma said no, she threw a tantrum. It was then that Karisma gave in and off she took her laadli Samaira to watch the Diwali hit of the year. As it turns out, Golmaal 3 will be Samaira's first Hindi film.

Needless to say, maasi Bebo is over the moon as she is known to dote on her niece. "Samaira loved the film and the songs. Now she keeps asking questions on how Ajay bends people's fingers or something or the other.
I feel its Samaira's luck, Rohit's superb direction and some great performances that have made the film so successful. Saif was in London so he couldn't watch the film but mom and Lolo loved it!"

For Bebo, the ultimate high is the fact that her niece got to watch it and love her performance in it!

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