On the Couch...

Now I'm a seriously a Koel Purie fan. I love her fearless attitude and her cool nature. But more than that, I love her show, "On The Couch with Koel". If you haven't seen it, you ought to check it out on Headlines Today every Saturday. The best segment in her show is towards the end, after she's done asking questions (honest brutal ones). In her version of a rapid-fire round, where she gives the stars all the time in the world -- defeating the purpose of it being "rapid" but nevertheless entertaining, to answer a number of fun questions. And because I believe that one day, she will have me on her show, check out my answers to questions she always asks on her shows.

Who would play the lead in a film which was the story of your life?
It would have to be Sushmita Sen. She would understand my sentiments and emotions better than anyone else because I'm not as strong as I seem on the inside.

What is the biggest charade you've come across?

That people aren't fake. For the most part, they are incredibly phony.

What is your biggest charade?

Oh God, that I am incredibly strong. In all honesty, I am hardly that strong. I really am pretty emotional and gooey on the inside. But its always better to play the strong card because no one dare walk all over me now.

In your 20s or 30s?

Oh in my 30's for sure! My 20's was all about learning and making mistakes. My 30's will be about using those learning experiences and putting them to use.

What are your dreams made of?

Sugar and spice; all things naughty and nice! Oh and the impossible! And things I want to achieve...and will!

What are your nightmares made of?
My past. Events and people that haunt me in various ways. Scary!

What is your current state of mind?
In complete shambles.

What do you spend the most amount of money on?

Besides paying bills, I spend too much on food!

Au naturelle or plastic surgery?

A bit of both. Whatever helps you feel confident and happy.

On what occasions do you lie?
I've lied too much in the past. No more for me on any occasion.

Who or what would you like to be reincarnated as?

Wow! One life is enough but otherwise, a dog to a celebrity would be fun.

When do you throw tantrums? And why?
When I see injustice or unfairness. I can't stand it and then I throw a tantrum. I always advocate for the underdog and challenge the status quo. I refuse to be a conformer and watch from the sidelines.

What do you guys think? Rocking answers?

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